Boxall Profile F.A.Q.

What is the Boxall Profile?

The Boxall Profile provides a framework for the precise assessment of children and young people’s social and emotional aptitudes. It provides staff with insights and suggests points of entry into the child's world, allowing teachers to think about what lies behind their student’s behaviour, and how to plan accordingly.

“The Boxall Profile gives us a structure to look at young people’s behaviour, to discuss it constructively and plan together what we can do about it. We have not discussed our pupils as positively as this before.” – Secondary School Teacher, London.

How does it work?

The Boxall Profile is, from a practical point of view, very easy to use. The two-part checklist, which is completed by staff who know the child best in a classroom situation, is quick — and, very importantly, it is constructive.

On completion, the scores of each individual student are compared to the standardised emotional literacy scores of children and young people of a similar age group.

Individualised, achievable targets for social and emotional aptitudes are then set for the student in the form of a personalised Individual Learning Plan which can be reviewed and re-assessed periodically as a whole-school approach.

What ages does the Boxall Profile cover?

Ages 4 to 18. There are two Boxall Profile Tests - one for children (nursery/primary school pupils), and the other for young people (secondary school students), which the online BP automatically selects according to the date of birth inputted.

Can the Boxall Profile be used in mainstream classrooms?

Yes. The strategies suggested by the Boxall Profile can be effectively incorporated into the routines of a mainstream classroom. 30 percent of the 8000+ BP online assessments in the academic year 15/16 were for children solely attending mainstream classrooms.

Can the Boxall Profile be used for research purposes?

Yes. The Boxall Profile has been used in over 60 academic studies to date. In 2011, Couture, Cooper and Royer conducted a study of the concurrent validity between the Boxall Profile and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire with 202 students aged 3-14 years. They concluded that the BP and the SDQ measure comparable features in children and adolescents, and that “the statistical evidence suggests that the BP is suitable for use in a research context.” The normal, borderline and abstract summaries used in the online BP are based on this study.

The Boxall Online

What's the Privacy Policy of the Boxall Online?

The current privacy policy and cookies policy is available here.

Can each Boxall Profile report and Individual Learning Plan be accessed by multiple teachers?

Yes. The online Boxall Profile is a whole-school approach, enabling each individual member of staff (up to 10 with a school subscription, and up to 30 with a local authority subscription) to view and contribute to each student’s Individual Learning Plan. The strategies in the ILP can be used throughout the school. The BP is regularly used for the most vulnerable students transitioning from primary to secondary school, and the assessment and ILP for each child can be shared with new teachers. The online BP also promotes multi-agency working, to easily involve educational psychologists and other mental health professionals.

Training and extra resources

Do I require training to use the Boxall Online?

It is highly recommended to use the Boxall Profile after undergoing training (available from nurtureuk, starting from £200), and reading the Boxall Profile Handbook (Revised) which has detailed case studies of how the BP was applied with individual children and young people.

The online Boxall Profile does however offers a step-by-step guide (from assessment to evaluation) that can help staff unfamiliar with the BP utilise this new tool without prior training.

What extra resources do I need to use the Boxall Online and apply the strategies suggested?

This depends on each practitioner. The Individual Learning Plan tool in the online Boxall Profile platform offers over a thousand strategies and resources that can be selected and personalised for each student, including excerpts from nurtureuk publications, and links to relevant online resources.

Education staff are welcome to add their own strategies and resources, which are then shared with the Boxall Profile Network, and to evaluate which ones are the most effective for specific developmental learning.

Links to extra resources (books, CDs, games, toys) that can help develop specific social and emotional aptitudes are also suggested within the online Boxall platform.


What device or browser do I need to use the Boxall online?

The online Boxall can be used on computers or tablets, using a simple browser. It is compatible with most modern browsers, though we recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

Why do the graphs not show up when I print?

When printing from a browser (rather than downloading the PDF document), make sure you have selected the option to print background graphics or colours.

I have not received an email to verify my account.

You should receive an email to verify your account a few minutes after signing up. Please double check that you have received the email, including in the spam folder, or request that it be sent again.

What happens if I forget what EBP code belongs to which student?

All online BP data is anonymised and the responsibility to record what EBP code belongs to what student is left to the teacher alone. However, each EBP code that is created or looked up will be displayed on the staff member’s online dashboard, along with the gender, and birthdate (month and year) of each student. In this way, even if the teacher forgot to record the EBP code, they should be able to retrace their steps.

Account & Billing

How much does the Boxall Profile cost?

Individual users can purchase tokens, starting from 50 pence, each token gives you an BP Assessment, an Individual Learning Plan, and an Evaluation. Unlimited BPs and ILPs can be created with a subscription (starting from £150 per year).

How can I pay?

You pay for your Boxall Profile tokens and subscriptions using a credit or debit card. You can also subscribe by direct debit from your bank account. We cannot fulfil payments by invoice, as the Boxall Profile Online is an online-only service.

Why haven’t I received an invoice?

Your latest invoice can be viewed and downloaded at any time on your online dashboard. Click on the button ‘latest invoice’ at the bottom of the screen.

Why does my colleague’s account say they have no tokens left, when they should be linked to my subscription?

It means your colleague is not correctly linked to your account. Make sure that your colleague has accepted your invitation (by clicking on the link sent to their email address, keeping in mind that invite links expire after one week). After accepting the invitation, their account will show up on the ‘manage subscription’ section of your online dashboard.

I have another question

Please feel free to contact us.

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